

- Note -

The classifications below are based off of those in the Library of Congress. However, many seem to be misclassified and so I will be correcting the inaccuracies in the future.

B - Philosophy, Psychology and Religion

Augustine - Confessions

Aurelius - Meditations

Cicero - Tusculan Disputations

Heraclitus - Fragments

Heruka, Tsangnyon - The Life of Milarepa

Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Tzu, Lao - Tao Teh Ching

Sloterdijk, Peter - Bubbles

C - Auxiliary Sciences of History

Cahill, Thomas - Mysteries of the Middle Ages

D - World History

Berge, Bjorn - Nowherelands

Lomas, Kathryn - The Rise of Rome

Miller, Peter - Peiresc's Mediterranean World

Morris, Jan - Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere

Naunton, Chris - Searching for the Lost Tombs of Egypt

G - Geography, Anthropology, and Recreation

An, Sonjae - The Korean Way of Tea

Peltier, Warren - The Ancient Art of Tea

Sadler, A. L. - The Japanese Tea Ceremony (Review)

Sen, Soshitsu XV - The Japanese Way of Tea

Sen, Soshitsu XVI - Urasenke Tea Procedure Guidebook

H - Social Sciences

Berman, Karen - Financial Intelligence

Manning, Joseph - The Open Sea

Morita, Akio - Made in Japan

Sowell, Thomas - Basic Economics

J - Political Sciences

Machiavelli, Niccolo - The Prince

M - Music

Pesic, Peter - Polyphonic Minds

N - Fine Arts

Prisse-D'Avennes, Emile - Egyptian Art

P - Language and Literature

Calasso, Roberto - The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony

Calasso, Roberto - The Ruin of Kasch

Calvino, Italo - Invisible Cities

Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature and Selected Essays

Euripides - Medea and Other Plays

Hilton, James - Lost Horizon

Oe, Kenzaburo - A Personal Matter

Seneca - Letters from a Stoic

Syrus - The Moral Sayings of Publius Syrus a Roman Slave

U - Military Science

Tzu, Sun - The Art of War
